Understand roles & permissions

Security roles

Every user in DocMX has a role or multiple roles. Each role has different levels of permissions, and they determine whether a user has:

  1. Access to a location
    A location could be the organisation as a whole, or a department like “Human Resources”. This is important as documents are placed inside locations and roles act as a key to enter the locations.
  2. Access to a document type
    Having access to a location is halfway there. Once users are inside a location, they also need a role that will act as a key to open the document type.

2 keys are required to open a document
A user can only access a document if the user has access to both the location and document type.

Other roles


Users with approval roles receive tasks as part of the workflow process.


Non-approval roles allow users to view documents.


Form roles allow users to complete forms.

Permissions on a location

Locations in DocMX can be seen as the different sections, departments or entities of an organisation. Users can only access a location if they have a role that allows them to do so.

Examples of Locations

By department

An organisation may have many different departments which can be considered as locations. The company is also considered to be a location.

  • Company access
    All users are given a role to access the company location. This is the same as walking into the company building.
  • Department access
    Users are only given access to locations/departments required for their job.
Company Accounts Kitchen Sales
Director of Finance        
Head of Kitchen    
Sales Director    

By entity

An organisation may have many entities, and they will also have different departments.

  • Entity access
    All users are given a role to access the entity where they work.
  • Regional access
    A regional director may be given access to roles across multiple entities.
Entity 1 E1
Entity 2 E2
E1 Director of Sales      
E2 Director of Sales    
Regional Director of Sales        

Permissions on a document type

A role may be granted up to four permissions on a document type:

  1. View
  2. Add
  3. Edit
  4. Delete


View Add Edit Delete
Basic-level user    
Mid-level user      
High-level user        
  • Basic-level user
    This user may have a role with “view” and “add” rights for invoices. This will allow the user to search for invoices and index them to the system.
  • Mid-level user
    This user may have a role with “view”, “add” and “edit” rights for invoices. This will allow the user to do the same as the basic-level user, but can also edit invoices.
  • High-level user
    This user may have a role with “view”, “add”, “edit” and “delete” rights for invoices. This will allow the user to do the same as the mid-level user, but can also delete invoices.

The above examples assume the users also have a role that has permission to access the location of the invoices.

Updated on September 15, 2020

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