DocMX Glossary

This glossary defines common terms that you might see as you are working in DocMX, or throughout our Help Centre.


Outcomes of specific tasks. An example action would be ‘Approve’ for a task.

Actionable Note
A special note added to a document that requires the assigned user to perform an action in order to resolve it. The note may also be cancelled by the user who added it.

A type of assist, provides details and information related to the document being viewed, e.g. policy.

When the task for the document has surpassed the time permitted based on policy.

Indication of the time the document has been set at a specific stage of a workflow.

The ability for a user to see all their tasks across all entities.

A component of a control centre showing a specific metric, statistic or chart.

Anchor (see linking)
A specific place on a document which links to another anchor on a different document.

A note that is located on a document.

Approval History
Timeline of actions taken on a workflow for a specific document.

Documents are archived after a number of days depending on the document type, and do not appear in the default search results.

Information presented to the user in relation to the document currently being viewed to help make informed decisions and reduce mistakes.

An additional file that is associated to a document.

All actions taken by a user within DocMX recorded and time stamped.

Ability to send a document to an automated process. These processes are generally related to classification and extraction of information on the document.


Sending a task to another user for checking and will return to the original user for actioning in line with policy.

Bulk Approve
To action multiple tasks at the same time with the same action type.

Bulk Update
Update the tag information to multiple documents at the same time.


A trigger type and assist that helps users with maths.

A grading system to award and flag any workflow process that has fallen outside certain criteria or policy.

Defining the document type for a document.

Contact Details
A type of assist the displays relevant contact details for the document being viewed.

A place where a document is stored (see location).

Control Centres
Metrics, statistics and graphs detailing specific processes and functions within DocMX.

Menu item for a list of new forms and documents that can be created for a specific user.

An aging status when the task has surpassed both aging and is now requiring actioning immediately.

A question type that only allows a currency value to be entered.


Daily Dash
A type of control centre that allows packs of documents to be viewed within a calendar.

Data Source
An area where additional data will be retrieved. This is generally 3rd party lookups but can also be simple lists.

Date Picker
A tag type or question that only allows a selection for a date.

Virtually delete a document from DocMX.

The World leader in document and information management.

Document Group
A document group is a collection of related document types.
e.g. The group “Accounts Payable“ may contain the “Supplier Invoice“, “Credit Note“ and “Expense Claim“.

Document Type
The classification of a document.
e.g. annual leave, balance sheet AP, expense claim, invoice, meeting minutes.

Document Search
Searching on a specific document type using tags to filter to a specific set of documents.

Download the file from DocMX.

Due Notes
Notes or Annotations that have been assigned to a user for completion.

Drag And Drop
The process of uploading a document by dragging it over the UI and releasing the mouse button.

Drop Zones
A collection of areas to upload documents with specific criteria set, e.g document type.

Dynamic Assignment
Define the user of a task through a dynamic query.


A separation of information, normally a company or business unit

Entity Options
List and logic that is associated to documents and tags within a specific entity.

Task is overdue and will procedure to action the default task to avoid bottle necks.

Export Document
Export the metadata in a specific syntax for 3rd party applications

Export to Excel
Export the search grid results to an XLS document.


A family is a collection of documents that are automatically linked by specific tags.
e.g. The family “Purchase Orders“ may link a “Supplier Invoice“ with a “Purchase Order“ when the PO number of both documents match.

Family Pack
Ability to view a large number of related documents while still reviewing the original.

Flow Lane
A visual logical separation for the grouping of tasks in a workflow.

A customised set of input fields designed for a user to fill out and submit to capture relevant information, e.g. Annual Leave Form.


Global Assignment
Based on the global role, determines based on the location of the document who is assigned to the task.

Global Search
Search across all document types for key words in the document tags or content of the document.

Global Settings
A list of settings that are shared with all users.

Group Tags
A collection of repetitive tags associated to a document. Often this replicates line items in a table.

Group Questions
A collection of related questions of a form, general displayed in a table.


Ability to highlight documents with multiple colours.

Highlight Grouping
Group multiple highlighting colours within a document and label the group for reference.


Image Recognition
An assist type to extract key words to describe a photo or image.

The process of adding a document into the system when a document is classified as a specific document type and given metadata tags associated with its document type.

Information Framework
The structure and taxonomy of the organisations information.

Marking a page within a document that its been sighted and agreed to.

Location where the users documents preside before being indexed. Allows the documents to be edited and then indexed.

Invoice Capture
The process of automatically classifying and capture key information from supplier invoices and indexing the invoice and placing on a workflow.


A background task that once completed notifies the user, e.g. exporting metadata.



Last Task
The tasks that is most recently sent to the user.

Life Cycle Management
The stages of a document existence e.g. current, archived and destruction.

The process of connecting values from one document or page to another document or page in the system.

A place where a document is stored.

Look Up
A 3rd party set of data to retrieve (see data source)


A validation type that ensure a value exists, normally a tag or question when indexing a document or form.

A format constraint on questions and tags to ensure the correct value is entered.

Notify a user of a comment or note that has been created using the @ symbol before the users name.

Two separate documents being joined to make a single document.

A message can arrive within the application or via email. It informs the user of a specific action within the system. e.g. The user has been mentioned in a note or a new task has been created for the user.

See Tags


See Message


A type of an assist that runs a set of logic and notifies the user if its outside the expected criteria.

OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
OCR is a technology that recognises text within a digital image.

Oldest Task
Task that has been with the user for the most amount of time.

Out of Office
A feature which allows a user to reassign his/her tasks when the user is absent from work.

The owner of a document is the person who indexed the document. In the case where a document is indexed through an automated import process, the owner is DocMX.


Page Audit
Auditing that a user has viewed a page. Requires the user to have paused on the page if scrolling down.

Parallel Processing
Sending a task two multiple users for approval and they can all approve simultaneously.

PDF (Portable Document Format)
A digital file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document.

Settings that are customised for the user and are defined by the user.

Print Document
Print the current document being viewed.

Print Grid
Print the current search results.

A grouping of settings that are applied to a user. A user may only have on profile.

Profile Picture
An avatar associated to the user for quick identification.


A type of assist that allows the lookup to a data source and displays with the relevant document.

A field on a form that is generally expected the user to fill out, e.g. a text box


Reassign Task
Transfer a task currently awaiting to be action by one to user to another user to action.

Reload Document
Reloads the task currently being viewed in case anything has changed.

General or customised reports based on any data that is accessible to the system.

Restart Workflow
Terminates the current workflow and starts the workflow on it initial default task.

Previous version of the same document.

Part of a user’s profile that determines which locations and document types a user has access to, and whether the user is an approver.

Role Approval
Anyone within a role can approve the task but if there are multiple roles associated to a task the document will not proceed until all roles have approved.

Role Types

Roles have certain attributes although all are simply a collection of users. The role types that can be defined are:

  • Approval
  • Job
  • Security
  • Global


Search and Attach
The ability to be viewing one document and searching within the system and attaching a related document.

Search Conjunctions
Option to string together search criteria, e.g. AND or ORs.

Search Filters
Use the column filters within the search grid to narrow down the search results.

Search Grid
The search grid that returns the results from the users search.

Search Grid Highlights
Highlight certain values within the search grid, e.g. status types.

Search Grouping
Group search results by their columns.

Search Limit
The maximum number of documents that will be returned for a search even if more documents are found.

Search Logic
Ability to add various logic to search criteria, e.g. Greater Than

Search Row Group Tags
Drill down the search results for each row to detail the group tags associated to the document.

A grouping of unrelated questions on a form.

Selection Box
A tag type or question that drops down values that can be used and are mandatory.

Send for Comment
Send a link of the document to an external party for comment and can be tracked when viewed or commented on.

A list of settings for specific users that are link to a profile.

Sequential Processing
Sending a task to a user and the next approver can not approve until the initial user has actioned the document.

Add a signature and apply to a document

Single Sign On
Ability to login with a third party user directory e.g. Microsoft 365, support protocols include, SAML, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect.

Create a link for an authorised user to view the document.

Taking a single document and splitting out all the pages to separate documents.

Spreadsheet Automation
An assist that parses a spreadsheet and validates, highlights and relates other documents.

Add a image/stamp on to a PDF, replicating a real stamp.

Suggestion Box
A tag type or question that drops down values that can be used but are not mandatory.

Super Note
A note that acts as an annotation, a comment and can be assigned to a user. It also sits on a layer above the document so it can be tracked throughout the system.


A control related to a form that allows the user to enter data in to a grid.

Tags (metadata)
Key information about a document.
e.g. creation date, invoice date, invoice number, invoice total, payment date, payment reference.

An action to be undertaken on a document.

Task Owner
The user who initiated the workflow.

Small preview images of the pages within the document.

A document type that acts like a form and has a comments area allowing a thread of a conversation. It also will append emails to the thread.

Time Range
A time range that is specified when searching that will only return documents from with that time.

Tool Tip
A pop out help box for tags and questions. Including DocMX functions.

An assist type that allows a voice recording to be turned into text.

A profile set up for uploading and automation and can have predefined settings associated, e.g. define the document type or send to an automated process.

An event associated to action. Generally associated to a tag, e.g. click a button to calculate GST.

Two Form Authentication
Requires the user to have a second form of authentication, e.g. their phone, to be able to log in.


Undo Tag Changes
Ability to revert the changes made to tags while the user has the document open.

Upload and Attach
The ability to be viewing one document and uploading a file on the users file system and attaching the document.

Upload PC
The onsite client PC which collects files from scanners, virtual printers and Third Party systems, before transferring them to DocMX servers.

User Interface (UI)
The display which the user sees and interacts with in the DocMX Web App.


Issues and warnings of metadata not meeting the required format or passing the required logic.

Virtual Column
Create a virtual column in the search results compiled from metadata in the document.

Virtual Delete
Delete the document from the system but not physical file remains.

Virtual Printer
A printer that does not physically exist, but resides on the Upload PC and saves prints as PDFs (i.e. in digital format with no paper).


Mark a document in the system to monitor for any changes and notify if there is a change.

Webpage Download
Ability to add a url and the web page is downloaded and convert to a PDF in the users intray.

The order of actions on a document from when it is indexed into the system to completing all checks and approvals.




Updated on January 18, 2021

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